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New 6 GHz Wi-Fi - Where are you (headed)?

Feat. CEO of Wi-Fi Alliance, Kevin Robinson

Wi-Fi Alliance CEO joins Hamina to dissect outdoor Wi-Fi 7

Date: Oct 10, 2024

Time: 9 AM Pacific / 12 PM Eastern US Time

Guest presenter: Kevin Robinson, CEO, Wi-Fi Alliance

Hamina hosts: Jussi Kiviniemi and Jerry Olla


The CEO of Wi-Fi Alliance, Kevin Robinson, joins the Hamina Banter Team to deep dive into 6 GHz - what, where, when, indoors, outdoors - and especially easy-to-apply best practices around it.


Grasp all the real-world essentials of the 6 GHz spectrum brought in Wi-Fi 7 and 6E - in 60 minutes or less.


You’ll learn

  • 6 GHz indoors: Regulatory situation today, and anticipated future developments
  • See above, but outdoors, including AFC in the US, and globally.
  • 6 GHz adoption today globally, and predictions
  • The true impact of 6 GHz on network robustness and performance
  • How to maximize the well-being of all Wi-Fi devices in the 6 GHz world
    • Design tips
    • Network refresh to 6 GHz: Best practices and benefits
    • Partial 6 GHz refresh do’s and dont’s
    • Configuration: SSIDs / security / transition mode best practices etc.
  • Pitfalls to understand and avoid


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